Do something again that I've given up before and learn something that I think I can't do. I chose Yesterday not only because I like the Beatles but I thought I could do it. Let's dream big but Start Small. If you can play better, please do so and send it to me. Who will join with me? Happy New Year!
Wish all of you with full of these!
Abundance, Act, Advance, Align, Ambition, Awaken, Awesome, Balance, Believe, Better, Bloom, Brave, build, calm, care, challenge, commit, compassion, confidence, consistency, courage, create, creative, cultivate, dedicate, discipline, elevate, embrace, encourage, Enjoy, Enlighten, Excite, experience, exploration, faith, Family, Focus, Foster, Forward, Friend, fulfil, future, Generosity, Giver, Glow, Goal, Grace, Habit, Happy, Harmony, Heal, Heart, Higher, Home, Honesty, Humble, Imagination, Improve, Inspire, Integrity, Joy, Jump, Kindness, Smile, Lead, Learn, Life....